'Why Communication'
31 Jul, 2020

"Communication’ is a word that needs to be unravelled systematically, because it is a complex and unwieldy one. It includes a wide array of intellectual, spoken, written and non-verbal skills which are built on through practice and feedback. Critical thought plays a crucial role in this process, drawing on formal logic, structure and sociological perspective. To become a successful communicator, one must understand a few key principles of good communication, and adopt a few seminal attitudes towards it."

SauravGoswamikickstarted the Communication track with the Pre-Term course, 'Why Communication'. Designed to begin a conversation on the basics of communication for future leaders, our Fellows engaged in interactive conversations and guided discussions. For the capstone project, they designed 10 zines reflecting upon various elements of the course.

Here’s to building a community of writers and critical thinkers!